Thursday 5 November 2015

Meet the boy geniuses who developed a math theorem that calculates problems faster than a COMPUTER - despite still being in high school

 Ivan Zelich (left) and Xuming Liang (right), both 17, have managed to develop a mathematical theorem that could help answer some of the biggest question about the universe and lead to intergalactic space travel

Two teenage prodigies have been hailed with creating a mathematical theorem that could help solve some of the biggest mysteries about the universe and may pave the way for interstellar travel.
Xuming Liang and Ivan Zelich, both 17, managed to develop their theorem, which has been hailed as changing the face of math forever, despite still attending high school.
Liang, who is originally from Guangzhou in China but now lives in San Diego, and Zelich, from Australia, connected via a math forum after realizing they were both working on the same problem

Thanks to the time difference between the two countries, they were able to keep working on their calculations around the clock, each one taking over after the other went to sleep.
Liang, who attends University City High School in California, first met Zelich after posting some of his calculations online, with Zelich writing back to suggest improvements.
Xuming told Mail Online: 'We definitely have a good chemistry. We exchange messages using Google chat and Facebook. 
While working on the theorem he would wake up, run 10km every morning and go to school - working all day to find the theorem – his mind still ticking over while he ran and scribbling notes during class
'Since our time zones don't concur, one of us tend to stay up really late to complement the other. 
'Our work has been a lethal combination of individual "explorations" and collaborative insightful discussions.'
Zelich added: 'Xuming was on a maths forum and I sent him the first message which said: “nice solution but you can improve on it,” said Ivan with a laugh.
‘He was the only person I could find who I connected with mathematically.
'I found out we were both working on the same problem at the same time but he was more geared towards one side of the geometry and I was more geared towards the algebraic and string theory side.
‘We combined our powers for amazing successes.’ 
Explaining the potential use of their calculations, he added: ‘The main and most important application will be in understanding the structures in the universe.
He has struggled in the past with teachers who are uncomfortable that their student is more intelligent, but has found a supportive environment at Brisbane’s Anglican Church Grammar School - Churchie
At the age of 14, Ivan travelled to England to give a presentation at the Wolfram Mathematica Conference to challenge the concept that pi is equal to 3.14 – suggesting instead that pi is infinite. 
There is an incredible future ahead for the young man who has already achieved so much, being statistically smarter than 99.9% of the population.
This year, he was awarded the Queensland Government Inaugural Peter Doherty Award for Excellent in Mathematics and in 2014 he received a golden envelope, containing a certification from the Prime Minister, congratulating him for his achievements in the mathematical field.
He is considering where to further his studies next year, looking at international universities like the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and the California University of Technology, as well as a number of Australian universities.
As for Xuming, he said: 'I hope to apply whatever skills I've developed over these years to pass on to future generations and help better the world.
'As for interests, I also enjoy contemplating about the human mind and other psychological concepts.
'Making some sort of a positive contribution to the world would be on the top of my list, as simple as that sounds.
'Whether it's in math, or personal charity, I don't know yet, but it will always be a driving goal.' 
Asked if he felt like a genius, he added: ‘Not really, I always have areas in life that I desire to improve.' 

Ivan accepting the for Petery Doherty Award for Outstanding Senior Mathematics and Technology Student
‘It will basically serve as a branch of string theory, which is the main theory we’re going to try and figure out which is very controversial at this time.’
'The theorem will contribute to our understanding of intergallatic travel because string theory predicts existence shortcuts in space, or so called 'wormholes' to cut through space.
'It also helps finding minimal possible math between certain planets based on their structure.'
Despite his obvious gift for math, Xuming has played down his talents, saying he is 'medicore' at other subjects.
Ivan would often use his time at school to scribble his ideas while he worked on his maths theory
 While he has applied to colleges for after high school finishes, he has yet to receive any offers.
He added: 'In math classes, I have been known to be go-to guy for asking questions. Just over this summer, I helped tutor a couple of college students. 
'School is long from over for me. We are all currently in the stage of applying to colleges. Sadly, I have not received any offers, simply because I've been really busy and cannot really put myself out there yet.' 
Meanwhile Zelich, who is thought to have IQ of around 180, has always been extremely advanced - stunning his parents when he began to speak at just two months of age. 
He said that school inconvenienced Ivan while he researched his groundbreaking theorem, with his six hour school days at Brisbane’s Anglican Church Grammar School - otherwise know as Churchie - feeling like it impeded their work.
‘School did feel like an obstacle for me to my work, Year 12 isn’t as interesting as these theories to me,’ Ivan said.
‘In terms of my report, I do not have time to chase the top grades (as) all my research and studies requires too much time and dedication,’ he said.
Ivan presented his findings to some of the world’s best mathematical minds during a US conference

Ivan is deciding on his academic future after high school yet academics say he has already changed the future of mathematics

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