Wednesday 11 November 2015

Blundering nurses tell sobbing daughter her mum is dead - then realise she is alive on another ward

Bernadette Walsh
A daughter said a tearful goodbye to her 'dead' mum - only for blundering hospital staff to reveal she was alive on another ward.
Bernadette Walsh spent about 25 minutes stroking and holding the hand of a stranger after nurses mistakenly told her ‘your mum’s dead’.
It was only when nurses told weeping Bernadette ‘Roy’s on his way’ that the mistake began to unravel.

Now managers at North Manchester General Hospital have apologised for the ‘unacceptable’ October 29 incident.

Mother-of-four Bernadette, from Droylsden, Greater Manchester said:
 "No-one told me she’d been moved so I went into the room to visit her, the same room she’d been in all week.
Mum’s duffle coat was on the chair. The woman in the bed had grey hair and had thin bones like my mum.
"She had a pink nightie like my mum. I had no reason to think it wasn’t mum," “She didn’t look right and I didn’t think she was breathing. I went out of the room to ask one of the nurses what was wrong and they said ‘don’t you know? She died half-an-hour ago’.
“Well, I just lost it then. I’d only spoken to her the previous night. I was in shock and completely hysterical. They were trying to calm me down. The nurses were saying I should stroke her hand and show her some love. So I was holding her hand and stroking her. I called my sister and told her she was dead."
“Then one of them said ‘Roy’s on his way’ and I said ‘who’s Roy?’.
They took me into another room and said ‘that’s not your mum’. They took me to my mum on another ward and she was sitting in a chair looking at me, saying ‘what’s up?’ I told her I’d had a shock. I couldn’t really tell her ‘they just told me you’re dead’.”

Shop worker Bernadette, 53, said she hadn’t been told her mother had been moved out of the room on an orthopaedics ward where she had been for the previous week and had been replaced by a patient who later died.When nurses realised the mistake they apologised and took Bernadette to another ward where her mother Elizabeth, 82, a widow from Whitefield, was very much alive and recovering from a hip operation.
Bernadette has lodged an official complaint although she hasn’t told her mother, who has Alzheimer’s, about the drama.
She added: “I just felt sick. When I went home I went to the shop and fell on the pavement and smashed my face on the floor. I think it was the shock.
"They never told me she’d been moved. And they must have known who my mum was because I’d been going at 2pm after work each day all week. I could have had a heart attack.”

Her boyfriend, painter and decorator Anthony Lewis, 42, who had gone to the hospital with Bernadette, said: “Bernie just collapsed to the floor when they said her mum was dead. Then they said it was someone else. The whole thing was a big cock up. I just couldn’t believe it.”
Elizabeth, a retired shop worker, who has ten children, 20 grandchildren and three great grandchildren, remains in hospital.
Gill Harris, chief nurse at The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust said: “We are deeply sorry about the traumatic circumstances surrounding Ms Walsh’s visit to ward I5 Orthopaedics at North Manchester General Hospital on 29 October.
"This is unacceptable and we have been in contact with the family to offer our unreserved apology and to discuss what happened so that we can learn from this mistake and ensure that it does not happen again."

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